The basis of sexual health and the key to maintaining every man's erectile function is a rich and balanced diet.

Diverse, correct and healthy food is especially important in our time, when poor environmental conditions, hectic pace of life, mental and physical stress constantly take a toll on men's health. gender.
What to eat to improve erectile function, what rules must be followed? These questions are asked by many men, especially those over the age of 30.
Bad eating habits

- To reduce the risk of impotence and other genital diseases, it is necessary to exclude from the diet canned foods, smoked sausages, carbonated drinks, store-bought sweet yogurt and curds, ready-made mayonnaiseand ketchup, i. e. any product with a long shelf life and high content of harmful additives. Food rich in preservatives contains practically no nutrients, and it can cause significant harm to men's health.
- The potency increase diet absolutely forbids any fast food. They do not contain the necessary amount of trace elements and vitamins, but only contribute to rapid weight gain, negatively affecting the erectile function of men.
- To maintain or increase sex drive, men should eliminate industrially obtained sugar from their daily diet. It is better to replace it with natural sugars such as dried fruit, honey and sweet fruit. Consuming large amounts of sugar not only contributes to the development of impotence, but also cardiovascular disease, diabetes, etc. v.
- Another dietary rule for men's health concerns salt intake. The large amount of sodium contained in it is not useful at all for potency and for the body as a whole. It is more helpful to replace salt with natural spices (onions, garlic, herbs) or a little soy sauce.
- To maintain the effect for as long as possible, men should give up alcohol completely or reduce alcohol consumption to a minimum. All alcoholic beverages remove useful trace elements from the body, so the diet for impotence and alcohol for men are incompatible with each other.
Essential foods for men's health

What is helpful for impotent sex? The first rule is that food should be varied and provide the right amount of essential nutrients, vitamins and energy boosters needed for an active lifestyle. However, you should choose foods with minimal calories and animal fat.
Healthy and healthy foods in general should be rich in protein and healthy carbohydrates, but low in fat. Vitamins A, E, C as well as vitamins of group B have special effects in enhancing male strength.
In his daily diet, every man should include cereals, aphrodisiac vegetables, herbs (spinach, lettuce, parsley), spices (fennel, mint, thyme, tarragon, anise) and dairy products (milk, kefir, cheese and yogurt. ). . . As for meat, it should also be included in the diet, but only low-fat varieties.
Men after the age of 50 should reduce meat consumption to a maximum of four times a week, and should replace animal protein with vegetable protein, if possible.
Vegetables are good for health

The most beneficial vegetables to stimulate erectile function are garlic and all kinds of onions.
Carrots are considered an equally useful vegetable. It contains carbohydrates, protein and beta-carotene, which is converted in the body into vitamin A. In terms of carotene content, carrots are practically not inferior to red peppers and are far superior to other vegetables.
In addition, it contains vitamins B1, B2 and B6, as well as a large amount of enzymes and minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron, iodine and others). All these ingredients are very useful for the body in general and help increase potency.
Fruits are good for health
To prevent sexual impotence, men should consume 0. 5 kg of fruit per day. Don't limit yourself to the usual apples, oranges, avocados and especially persimmons that offer amazing health benefits.
The latter is rich in fiber, antioxidants and trace elements, it is also rich in vitamins A, P, C, potassium, copper, iodine, manganese and iron. All this has a beneficial effect on male strength and enhances libido.
Phosphorus and zinc
Another important element for men's health is phosphorus. To increase blood flow to the pelvic organs, you should include sprouted wheat, sesame seeds, pumpkin, zucchini and sunflower seeds in your menu. Tomatoes, radishes, radishes and cabbage also have a positive effect on male strength.
To treat and prevent erectile dysfunction, men's daily diet should contain zinc-rich foods, so don't forget to eat apples, honey, brown rice, nuts, onions and garlic.
It is important to remember that seafood contains a large amount of zinc, and they are also natural aphrodisiacs that increase libido. For many people, caviar and oysters are considered the most useful foods for strength. Of all fish, it is better to give preference to mackerel or salmon rich in amino acids.
When preparing food, remember that the healthiest foods are steamed, boiled or stewed. When frying, most of the nutrients are destroyed in proportion to the heat treatment time.